By: Jason K. Redula
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1. Injured worker's actual earnings. Establish the injured worker's actual earnings in the three years following the injury using the employee's EDD wage data or other empirical wage data.
2. Similarly situated workers. Get "similarly situated workers'" wage data. This is an estimate, and such information may be gathered from EDD's Labor Market Information Division (LMID) websitei.
3. Individualized proportional earnings lost. Calculate the employee's individualized proportional earnings lost. This is done by subtracting the injured worker's post-injury earningsii from the average earnings of similarly situated workers.
4. Individualized rating to loss ratio. Obtain ratio "a" by dividing the employee's Individualized Proportional Earnings Lost (obtained in step 3) by the proportional earnings found in step 3. This ratio "a" is the injured worker's individualized rating to loss ratio.
5. Compare ratio "a" to Table B. The 2005 PDRS basically took the average standard ratings to average proportional earnings losses ratio for different body parts, and put these ratios into Table B of the schedule. See if "a" is the same as ratio in Table B.
6. Compare ratio "a" to Table A. The 2005 PDRS also created Table A which illustrates a range of ratios of the FEC Rank for that body part. See if "a" falls within the corresponding FEC ranking's ratios in Table A.
7. Rebuttable? If the ratio "a" does NOT fall within the corresponding FEC ratio, i.e. if the injured worker's individualized rating to loss ratio is less than OR greater than the ratio contained in Table B; and falls outside the range of ratios of the FEC Rank for that impairment in Table B, then the Schedule has been rebutted.
Where "a" is the employee's individualized rating to loss ratio found in step 4. The result of this formula would be the injured worker's DFEC adjustment factor.
i. LMID website at
ii. Estimated or actual
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